{{ 'fb_in_app_browser_popup.desc' | translate }} {{ 'fb_in_app_browser_popup.copy_link' | translate }}
{{ 'in_app_browser_popup.desc' | translate }}
{{word('consent_desc')}} {{word('read_more')}}
{{ childProduct.title_translations | translateModel }}
{{ getChildVariationShorthand(childProduct.child_variation) }}
{{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childProductName }} x {{ selectedChildProduct.quantity || 1 }}
{{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childVariationName }}
Q1. 付款方式
海外訂單付款方式為信用卡線上刷卡(目前接受VISA、Master Cards)
Q2. 海外運費計算
Q3. 特別提醒
● 保持商品完整包裝、標籤吊牌勿剪除
● 於試穿時保持身體乾爽潔淨並穿著貼身衣物套量尺寸是否合身
Q1. 什麼情況無法辦理退換貨?
● 超過七天鑑賞退換貨期限
● 商品已下水洗滌
● 吊牌、標籤已剪除,包裝配件不完整、損毀
● 非正常試穿、已長時間穿著,已有使用摺線及明顯痕跡
● 沾有其他不屬於該商品本身的異味(例:香水、體味等...)或人為造成之髒污、沾染粉妝
● 已在商品上進行加工,例如:繡字、裁剪、打印、修改尺寸……等非商品原樣(請確實驗收商品後再進行加工)
● 活動贈品未退回
● 貼身衣物如車內褲、襪子,白色系商品除瑕疵外,顧及安全及衛生上考量,一但拆封即無法退換貨
※ 判斷為不受理退換貨之商品將原封退回,退件郵資由買方自行負擔
Q2. 海外退貨說明
1. 因海外地區航空包裹運送費時,跨國退款作業繁複,故無法提供海外會員退換貨服務。
2. 若你未取得同意即自行寄回退貨商品,Baisky將無法受理您的退貨退款,若需再寄回給你的退貨商品,請自行負擔來回運費。
3. 若因商品重大瑕疵需退貨(如:衣服破損嚴重),請先跟客服人員連繫,Baisky不接受退貨時產生的關稅費用。所有包裹請註明" Goods returned under warranty”,如果選擇免費提供以外的其他退貨途徑,請自行承擔風險,我們不會對任何損失或損害承擔相關責任。
4. Baisky於收到商品後會盡快處理您的退款要求,不過在繁忙時期可能要花上3-4週才能處理完成。
Overseas return note
1. Due to overseas shipping parcel shipping costs, cross-border refund operation is complicated, it can not provide overseas members return service.
2. If you do not have the consent to return their own return goods, Baisky will not be able to accept your return refund, if you want to return to your return goods, please bear the shipping back and forth.
3. If the goods due to major defects to be returned (such as: serious damage to the clothes), please contact with the customer service, Baisky does not accept the return of tariffs. Please refer to "Garage under warranty" for all parcels. If you choose to return other than free of charge, please bear the risk, we will not bear any liability for any loss or damage.
4. Baisky will process your refund request as soon as it receives the item, but it will take 3-4 weeks to complete the peak period.